Sunday, December 5, 2010

How are capitalists bad?

On the history channel, the presidents series, Herbert Hoover was quoted as saying the only thing wrong with capitalism is capitalists. This got me thinking about what was wrong with capitalists and how what is wrong with the economy might be attributed to bad capitalists.

Capitalists are market participants seeking to maximize value. Their accumulated value represent capital they apply to accumulating more value. It is in the interest of capitalists that there is a thriving market. We are all capitalists since nobody want to minimize value. Rather than bankruptcy they seek to improve their lot.

The hallmark of every golden age is a thriving economy. Capitalism has dominated all successful economies. There is no proven alternative. Most everyone benefits from a thriving economy.. But economies often have downturns or contractions. Often the poor suffer while the rich languish. The few drain the wealth of the many. Capitalism is generally good in a growing economy, and woefully bad in a contracting one.

The economy has an evolutionary nature, and is stimulated or suppressed in various ways. The wealth of the general population provides the markets that can be capitalized on. Human enterprise produces value in the markets. Certainly capitalists that produce value in the market are good capitalists.

However, there is another side to capitalist activity, cornered markets, exploited resources, and vulture capitalism that profits from the destruction of value.

Those who cherish the promise of capitalism to enable humanity to thrive such that their are strong markets with free enterprise, but then there are capitalists who are willing to kill the golden goose, and hurt the market they are playing in.

The strength of economy can be improved or detrimented by the capitalist. Detrimental activity is at the expense of many for the benefit of a few. It is self defeating activity that can lead to economic downwall as overall value is reduced. Such capitalism is infective in sustaining growth. It capitalizes on and depletes scarce resources.

The world is rich in resources and opportunities, capitalizing on abundance is how civilization can thrive and we can populate the galaxy and beyond. Capitalizing on scarcity will lead us down the road of civilizations that have perished to go the way of the dinosaurs.



  1. comments from facebook...
    Alan: Excellent post Uncle. I've been feeling the same way as of late. Citizens United is allowing the rich to kill the golden goose in record time.

    Jim: Well, they are half right, taxes are generally detrimental to the economy. Wreath is not a fixed quantity that can be equally distributed except to make everyone poor. Allowing the rich to thrive allows us all to be rich. I've added to the article a bit.. We need to tax exploitive capitalism, not good capitalism, encouraging, not discouraging richness.

    Maria: Hello Jim, welcome, I will read your post. “How are capitalists bad?” It’s a good question…, capitalism still has to do with the human reason, which takes one to the issue of the "human nature".

    Jim: Hi Maria! It is a very short article presently. Think of capitalists as players in an evolutionary game with the roles win-lose, win-win. and win-win-win, where we all benefit. Plays may be negative sum, zero sum, or positive sum. Our nature is that we are trained like chickens.

    “It is a very short article presently.”

    I have read your article, Jim, and found it interesting and argumentatively well built.

    “Plays may be negative sum, zero sum, or positive sum”
    Right! It depends upon the players…and…, in the “game of life”, the players are not only the “HumanAnimals” that play or that “dictate” the rules, there are lots of other living rhythms out there…,

    “Our nature is that we are trained like chickens”

    LOL…, I am in a very “AgnosticSkeptic” phase of life/thinking. “In illo tempore”, I thought that we could improve “valoratively” our cognitive/perceptive interface, but, at the “present time”, the chances appear to be slim.

  2. Jim Whitescarver You are my Hope Maria. Your Sceptisism proves your selflessness to me. We share ancient great Spirit from the I Ching through Socretes and Jesus to modern times. The Hope, to me, lies in the knowlege of the existence of the many Spirits we imbody independently, that by our intercouse our collective wisdom might include the wisdom of the ancients actualizing the potential of our collective being dispite the odds.
    December 8 at 10:38am · Like
    Maria Odete Madeira What???!!!!

    Have you caught some Australian H5N-Gnosis virus?

    Ok, I get it, you found an effective way to make me flee from commenting. Congratulations.
    December 8 at 12:24pm · Like
    Jim Whitescarver Oops Maria, I guess I flunked communication 101 again. I hoped to instill greater hope of the slim odds. Your comments are most appreciated. Sorry.
    December 8 at 4:54pm · Like
    Maria Odete Madeira ‎" flunked communication 101 again"

    ;-)) right... you did it on purpose.

    "I hoped to instill greater hope of the slim odds"

    And here was I thinking that it was the Russians who had the strange sense of humor.

    "Your comments are most appreciated."

    I'm quite sure they are, especially when I don't comment.

    That Tony "(b)imitation", A+ nonetheless!
    December 8 at 5:46pm · Like
    Jim Whitescarver Indeed, I purposely venture slim odds in communicating, but my purpose is communication. It is not to drown our joint spirit. Sometimes I am stupid, but mostly just slow, and dwell in the future. I have not alienated everyone by choice, but by proximity.
    December 9 at 7:25am · Like
    Jim Whitescarver not some particular future, but a future of all quantum possibilities that determines what is by least action and delayed choice, instantiating what is by the butterfly effect.

    In my venture to communicate, I lost and you lost. I played a lose-lose token, by mistake I was not economical in my communication in the present. But what exists is determined by the butterfly effect, and the odds can start to become significant if we repent and correct the error.

    Taxing is a good way to correct bad capitalists. Your remarks certainly taxed me, tough love, I speculate, in our evolutionary game.
    December 9 at 7:45am · Like
    Jim Whitescarver I meant to say repent and capitalize on the error. If I can't do anything right, I can at least serve as a bad example.
    December 9 at 7:47am · Like
    Jim Whitescarver Whenever a token is played in an information economy the future possibilities change, and any rules we thought there were go out the window. To capitalize on new possibilities we adapt, and change our rules. I believe. proper taxation is required to train the capitalists, but what we tax today should change tomorrow. Tax lose-lose the highest, and subsidize win-win-win.
    December 9 at 8:04am · Like
    Maria Odete Madeira ‎"what is by the butterfly effect."

    Jim, the figure/concept of "butterfly effect" may be effective to "mechanical approaches", but it fails in the organic approaches: contamination is more effective in the current contexts, in which it is starting to configurate the emergence of a "cybercapitalism" with a "flowing" structure, in which WikiSSangeLeaks emerged as an example.

    "Sometimes I am stupid, but mostly just slow"

    Right, slow and stupid is something you certainly are not, trying to disguise it eh…, good try ;-)

    You built a good and effective communicational scenario: two people and an evolutionary game.

    The problem is..., you have the anticipated scenarios and information that I do not have, creating a differential of information and of the game itself.

    In the end, you know what the game and desired endgame are, the only thing I have is the mechanism of retension and protension to help me. But what is the game really about? I do not know...

    Thank you Jim. Very interesting to communicate with you.
    December 9 at 9:38am · Like

  3. Jim Whitescarver You could regret encouraging me Maria.:-p

    In so far as it can be understood, a system is as if it is mechanical, and the quantum may be conceived of as a pure kinetic mechanism among related occupied states. Instead of simple cause and effect, we have gazillions of causes, many of which are prerequisites of the outcome. These independently cause the outcome, since they determine it independently, by what we call the butterfly effect.

    Continuum may be an illusion if nature and thought are equivalently discrete, as has been shown for the transfinite generally. WE gain nothing assuming infinities have been constructed in finite time. Time is the only infinite allowed in quantum systems, and the only thing necessarily infinite in systems in general.

    Complex systems emerge exhibiting a chaotic nature both an implicitly mechanical organization and explicitly stochastic organism realized by perception.

    All this may be confounding, as it assumes much information. I say I am stupid because I do not know a lot of what people think I should know. Some mistakes I repeat again and again as if I never learn. I can't do arithmetic well, and am lexdisic. I am a social moron. But I excelled in abstract math, know what I know, and am learning unexpected things regularly. I am considered intelligent though it takes me a long time to form an opinion. Everything I do and say is wrong because ten minutes later I thing of something better to have done. I'd do nothing except my Dad taught me it is better to act and be wrong, than to not act.

    I'd like to fill in the missing information, but cannot because I do not know what you know and what you can learn. Socially, the more I consider it, the worse I seem to do.

    The game is an information ecology defeating entropy despite our ignorance.

    Thank you Maria, your patience, retention and pretension is appreciated. It is a pleasure.
    December 9 at 8:30pm · Like
    Jim Whitescarver I should have said, The game is an information ecology defeating entropy despite our ignorance, and the slim odds. :-)
    December 9 at 9:27pm · Like
    Maria Odete Madeira Jim you “seem” to be focusing on the systemic “mechanics”…, but the systems/agents also have a determinant active organic nature “playing” in the survival pool, with a dynamic intensity capable of displacing geometric “potentialities” very difficult to capture/probabilize, that turn any transfinite insanely looping around itself inside-out-inside…, the “transfinite” is at all unnecessary, in my perspective of course.

    While at the mechanical “level” the figure/concept of “control” may evidentiate some effectiveness, it is not the case to organic levels. At organic levels the effectiveness is centered in the management.

    Retension and protension constitute a fundamental mechanism, acting in the cognitive processes and very effective in dynamics of management…, for instance: Peter Beamish’s “whales” were very successful in the use of this mechanism.

    "and am lexdisic. I am a social moron",…,

    ,…,right, some American humor…
    December 10 at 6:16am · Like

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Jim Whitescarver Mechanical systems are independent in so far as they are determined locally, but even an electron is not more than a pattern exhibited by a larger system, nothing in between instantiations, without independent substance. Real systems are interactive and determine each other. They are not static, their nature is dynamically determined.

    The mechanism by delayed choice least action,is not some preconceived simple cause and effect action. Yet it is a mechanism.

    While systems exhibit their own independent clocks they only tick by interaction. Collections of systems have collective behaviors exhibiting a new independent dimension of rhythmic based time, instantaneously beating faster than sound for the pod of whales and faster than light or any communication by syncronisity. Emergent effectiveness trumps reductionist causality.

    I really do not know a lot of what people think it is impossible for me not to know. It's not being funny or playing dumb, it is not a game. I don't intend to offend. My heartfelt empathyhas tended to be counter effectual. I am good with animals but not people. But I am getting better all the time. I think we are all idiot-savants in our own ways. But I largely overcome my autistic tendencies and am happily working at my dream job at at&t Claude Shannon research labs, sailing, living with my mother and married to my dog :-p
    December 10 at 10:33pm · Like
    Maria Odete Madeira Thank you Jim, good exchange of “ideas”.

    «...instantaneously beating faster than sound for the pod of whales and faster than light or any communication by syncronisity.»

    The standard measures such as the speed of light and of sound are not compatible with the cognitive rhythms of the agents, for instance, the “smart” whales of Peter Beamish actualized in the present from a synchronization in a future potency, that is, for Peter’s whales all that is in the present already was in a projected future...,
    December 11 at 6:53am · Like
    Jim Whitescarver I am sorry that I have states what you already know. I repent playfully. That you unsestand what I communicated is key. yet my statements were no more that my expression of my understanding of your statements. Redundency is nessesary, y...
    See More
    December 12 at 1:13am · Like
    Maria Odete Madeira “Perhaps we need a better forum for this.”

    You’re right, facebook is not the best space for such exchanges.

    But with the ProtoGnostics around the forums where you are..., not a good idea, I am still being the target of hacking and spam whenever something displeases them, a much too evident correlation.

    Thank you, nonetheless, for the conversation, Jim, it was very interesting.
    December 12 at 6:05am · Like
    Jim Whitescarver I have been honored by your attention, affirmation, and inquisition. May the mischievous spirits be gentile and toward good end.
    December 12 at 12:48pm · Like
    Maria Odete Madeira ‎:-))
    December 12 at 1:50pm · Like

  6. Jim Whitescarver And may we not be protectionist in the economy of our exchange, and be good capitalists playing tokens when their win-win-win value is high in promotion of the plenty. Amen. :-)
    December 12 at 2:45pm · Like
    Maria Odete Madeira Amen, Jim..., ;-))
    December 12 at 2:58pm · Like
    Jim Whitescarver Amen closes a level of cognition but loose ends demand it is not the last word. My hope to improve “valoratively” our cognitive/perceptive interface by the butterfly effect might trump slim chance.

    Tony dropped infophysics because abstention of the subjective is not allowed there without concurrence that is objective. There we might get beyond the "interesting", to the synthetic actualized being that is the profound, the cathartic, the visionary to the prophetic.

    May we continue these loose strings there or somewhere. Amen.

    December 17 at 5:29pm · Like
    Maria Odete Madeira The problem is not Tony, the problem is the groups behind the groups, that try to deviate/manipulate the debates.

    It's important, for scientific work, some debate about the issues, themselves. When the debates divert from the issues to personal desiderata or agendas, everybody is wasting time, and, unfortunately, in the Yahoogroups this divergence took place much too often.

    But, ok, Jim, I will enter your group and send you an invitation to ours, as it may be interesting, sometimes, to exchange ideas, outside such a closed space as Facebook.
    December 18 at 5:52am · Like
    Jim Whitescarver Tony is a cornucopia of revelation beyond my wildest dreams. But I disagree with him on everything. Amen.
    December 20 at 9:38am · Like
    Jim Whitescarver And love him deeply.
    December 20 at 9:39am · Like
    Jim Whitescarver Valoratively improved cognition is in our hands, I believe. The responsibility is monumental. That our failure is forgiven is needless to say. Yet without the impossible dream I wold have to cause to live.
    December 20 at 10:03am · Like
    Jim Whitescarver no cause to live. (Except maybe sailing the greek islands and the south pacific :-).
    December 20 at 10:06am · Like
    Maria Odete Madeira Amen, Jim :-))

    “...capitalists as players in an evolutionary game with the roles win-lose, win-win. and win-win-win, where we all benefit…”

    Right Jim, ratio <-- reor: maybe the capitalists should look more to the Newtonian Gravity Model and less to Einstein… Newtonian Gravity should, perhaps, be considered as another player in the game.

    Maybe after the polar inversion, those who SlimChanceSurvive will be able to see that.
