Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Monetary liberation - the cloud monetary system

I am in the process of envisioning an internet cloud market exchange system, bartering essential value and central power currencies, independently based on personal trust and intrinsic value.

Ron Paul is correct in stating centralized money amounts to price fixing, and is contrary to a free market. The taboo against against price fixing is well founded in the literature and history. Monopoly stymies the free market by restricting evolution of the market. In evolutionary game theory, Pavlov, or the learning agent, defeats the bully in the evolutionary game. But this assumes a level playing field. The playing field is not level when one group controls the money supply and thus has a blank check to dominate all other players.

YouTube - Ron Paul "The Federal Reserve Is the Culprit!

I do not agree with Ron's isolationism and see a gold standard as counterproductive, going from the frying pan into the fire, as the money powers already control the gold market. But nobody is perfect and only one republican and one democrat in the US congress support monetary reform thus far. That we must put the power of money in the hands of the people is the essential common thread.

YouTube - Dennis Kucinich States His Intention To Put The Federal Reserve Under Government Control

There is a pyramid of power, dominated by money, and thus the the gamblers with the most potential money. Essential value, belongs to production, rather than gambling. It is imperative, that money largely represents essential value, in a fair contract, to have real value. The international currencies have no essential value and ought not be the primary means of exchange without essential monetary reform. I promote minimalistic monetary reform to eliminart public debt and money as debt in

Steve Keen’s DebtWatch No 31 February 2009: “The Roving Cavaliers of Credit”
reveals many of the essential facts I have yet to clearly express on but the whole picture is still incomplete.

See also:


The Big Takeover, The global economic crisis isn't about money - it's about power. How Wall Street insiders are using the bailout to stage a revolution, MATT TAIBBI, Posted Mar 19, 2009 12:49 PM

Grass roots money requires a trusted exchange mechanism. When I was laid off as an information technologist doing brokerage services for Banc of America in the merger with Merril Lynch, the last independent major investment firm not previously owned by an international bank, my friends and their anonymous cohorts at suggested I ought do my own stock exchange. A Barclays prime brokerage and BofA I have been in the belly of the beast. I have the necessary experience to do my own exchange. But the idea is ridiculous, but also haunting. I have 25 years of research experience in collaborative systems as well.

But I am an idiot savant, socially inept, lexdysic. It seems I can't know how to do exchange others trust though I am competent in my work and deliver information systems that work. So I leave the challenge to others. I will indeed develop my own exchange for myself, by leave it to others to subjectively trust whatever they trust. Barter may be facilitated according to trust. The system can work immediately as many people mistakingly trust national currencies. This gives alternative currencies the opportunity to gain greater trust.

The infrastructure necessasary, which has been my quest since 1974, now exists on the web.
Re: eies3/web3 etc.
The EIES principle of supporting the individuals privacy and power, enabling the individual to facilitate a collective intelligence, is no longer a pipe dream.

Money is a form of trust. The way to facilitate money is to facilitate trust. Not some abstract notion of trust, but trust as it actually exists independently on the cloud. Essential value is due only to trust. Each of us ought to be able to use only money we trust represents essential value. The actual future value is always uncertain but we are not truly free if we are not free to use that which we trust.

I favor decentralized money and free enterprise. I am not partial to capitalism except in the sense of decentralized global value creation. I am not a pure capitalist in spirit and lean toward free and decentralized communal living. In my view, money should not be necessary, except where it is a necessary evil. Free enterprise in a fair market simply maximize our human possibilities.

By "fair market" I only mean not giving control of the money supply to the owners of the private central banks or other elite group. There is no free market if one group has carta blanca, a fair market is a free market. Capitalism is bound to collapse unless we have a free market without centralized control.

I do think we have a responsibility in our collective action to use the power of our pocketbook to encourage market diversity where resources are squandered, monopolies rule or where markets are being displaced. We can thus drive the system toward sustainable growth with minimal discontinuities and suffering.

Gambling is distinct from investing as investing potentially creates essential value, while gambling only seeks to take from others without returning value.

In the present crises no essential value has been lost, instead the money supply created by gambling debt has dissolved making money scarce and causing a collapse. We need a stable currency immune to the activities of gamblers.

I hope to readily assimilate with those of like mind in any respect. What could be better than dreaming and becoming, thus promoting into existence, that which which might be, together?

"History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance." -James Madison

The pyramid of power includes central bank owners at the top, multinational corporations, the military-industrial complex, government political machinery, religions, media owners, mafias, and finally the people. Each is has power as allowed by the powers above it, who ultimately rule our destiny and largely determine our success in changing our lives and our world at any level.

"The issue which has swept down the Centuries, and must be fought - sooner or later -is the people versus the banks...Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupt absolutely..." , Lord Acton

Whatever other action we might take will be futile unless we each refuse to use money controlled by some elite. To that end we should use alternate currencies or vouchers, alternate financing, and promote monetary reform.

"Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money and control credit, and with a flick of a pen they will create enough to buy it back." - Sir Josiah Stamp, former Director, Bank of England

At issue is how we can be effective personally in making alternatives practical.


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