Sunday, December 5, 2010

How are capitalists bad?

On the history channel, the presidents series, Herbert Hoover was quoted as saying the only thing wrong with capitalism is capitalists. This got me thinking about what was wrong with capitalists and how what is wrong with the economy might be attributed to bad capitalists.

Capitalists are market participants seeking to maximize value. Their accumulated value represent capital they apply to accumulating more value. It is in the interest of capitalists that there is a thriving market. We are all capitalists since nobody want to minimize value. Rather than bankruptcy they seek to improve their lot.

The hallmark of every golden age is a thriving economy. Capitalism has dominated all successful economies. There is no proven alternative. Most everyone benefits from a thriving economy.. But economies often have downturns or contractions. Often the poor suffer while the rich languish. The few drain the wealth of the many. Capitalism is generally good in a growing economy, and woefully bad in a contracting one.

The economy has an evolutionary nature, and is stimulated or suppressed in various ways. The wealth of the general population provides the markets that can be capitalized on. Human enterprise produces value in the markets. Certainly capitalists that produce value in the market are good capitalists.

However, there is another side to capitalist activity, cornered markets, exploited resources, and vulture capitalism that profits from the destruction of value.

Those who cherish the promise of capitalism to enable humanity to thrive such that their are strong markets with free enterprise, but then there are capitalists who are willing to kill the golden goose, and hurt the market they are playing in.

The strength of economy can be improved or detrimented by the capitalist. Detrimental activity is at the expense of many for the benefit of a few. It is self defeating activity that can lead to economic downwall as overall value is reduced. Such capitalism is infective in sustaining growth. It capitalizes on and depletes scarce resources.

The world is rich in resources and opportunities, capitalizing on abundance is how civilization can thrive and we can populate the galaxy and beyond. Capitalizing on scarcity will lead us down the road of civilizations that have perished to go the way of the dinosaurs.
